- Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World: syllabi, course websites, and some assignments for courses in archaeology and the ancient world.
- MIT Online Courses: History, Anthropology, and Womens and Gender Studies courses available online with syllabi, readings, assignments, and some student work examples.
- Rutgers Classics Syllabi Archive: most focus on Greece & Rome, with some Egyptian and Near Eastern content.
- The Wabash Center Syllabus Collection: collaboration between AAR, SBL, and the Wabash Center, containing >1000 syllabi organized by topic.
Much of the content for these online resources came from H.Dixon, “What’s Already Out There? Online Resources for Teaching Ancient Near Eastern Studies and Cognate Fields,” Creative Pedagogies for Teaching the Ancient Near East and Egypt session (M. Ameri and H. Dixon, chairs), 2019 ASOR Annual Meeting, San Diego.”