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Ancient Near Eastern Rulers and their Delegations in 18th Dynasty Egyptian Tombs

By Mohy-Eldin E. Abo-Eleaz

New Kingdom royal annals tell us about foreign rulers and their emissaries coming to court bearing lavish gifts for the king. But the most vivid record of these visits comes from the walls of the private tombs of 18 th dynasty officials. Read More

No One Thought to Ask the Fruits: Revealing Philistines’ Traditions

By Suembikya Frumin

The Philistines left us no textual sources for understanding their religion, but the archaeobotanical data has plenty to tell us about their beliefs and cultic practices. Read More

Digitizing Cultural Heritage: Challenges, Opportunities and Best Practices

by Peter Herdrich

All around the world, cultural heritage is under threat: from conflict to climate change to urban expansion, the challenges facing heritage sites across the globe are numerous, complex, and require increasingly urgent action. Read More

The Hebrew Bible and the Meanings Ruins Hold

by Daniel Pioske

The values we attribute to ancient ruins are neither uniform nor timeless. How did people in antiquity experience the remains they encountered? Read More

The Balbo Monument, along the Lake Front Trail Chicago. Photo by M.M. Kersel.

(Re)visiting the Past in the Present: The Power of Place and the Malleability of Monuments

By Matthew D. Howland, Morag M. Kersel, James F. Osborne, and Yorke M. Rowan

Archaeology aspires to reveal the layered meanings of ancient places. Can studying contemporary urban landscapes help us better understand monuments and the power of place in the Ancient Near East? Read More

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