Founder (greater than $1,000,000)

Stevan B. Dana ‡
P. E. MacAllister*

James F. and Carolyn Midkiff Strange* ∞

Benefactor ($500,000 – $999,999)

Dig Director ($250,000 – $499,999)

Arnold & Porter, LLP (in-kind) ∞
Norma Kershaw*

Carol and Eric Meyers ∞
Wayne Russell Shepard ‡

Field Director ($100,000 – $249,999)

Susan Ackerman ∞
Anonymous ∞
Sheila Bishop ∞
Boston University (in-kind)
John Camp
Sheldon and Debbie Fox ∞
Charles Harris*
Sharon Herbert ‡
Martha and Artemis Joukowsky*
Lanier Theological Library ‡

Leon Levy*
National Endowment for the Humanities
James B. Nies*
Katherine Barton Platt*
David J. Rosenstein ∞
Richard J. and Joan G. Scheuer*
Joe D. Seger ∞
Whiting Foundation
World Monuments Fund

Patron ($50,000 – $99,999)

Anonymous ‡
Catholic Biblical Association
Sonya and Richard Coffman ‡
Dorot Foundation
Lawrence T. Geraty ∞
F. Myron Johnson*
J. M. Kaplan Fund

La Sierra University
Richard Natarian ‡
Orlyn and Deana Nelson
B. W. Ruffner ∞
Andy Vaughn ∞
Wendell W. Weir*

Sponsor ($25,000 – $49,999)

Mildred F. Alberg*
Altamira Foundation
Anonymous ∞
Anonymous ∞
David Berg Foundation
Jeffrey A. Blakely and Brauna Hartzell ∞
Douglas Clark ‡
Ted Dodd and Lynn Swartz Dodd ‡
Jane DeRose Evans ‡
Fox Family Fund
Timothy P. Harrison ∞
Ann-Marie Knoblauch ∞
Oystein and Asta LaBianca ∞

George* and Carol Landes ∞
Christopher MacAllister
Sandy MacAllister
George E. Mendenhall*
Notre Dame University
Alice S.* and Thomas R. Pickering ∞
James Ross*
Ann V. Sahlman ◊
Elmar and Darilee Sakala
R. Thomas and Marilyn Schaub*
Silas and Catherine Vaughn*
Virginia Theol. Seminary (includes in-kind)
Jeanine Young-Mason ◊

Sustainer ($10,000 – $24,999)

Denise and Stephen Adams
Anonymous ‡
Andrews University
Gary Arbino ∞
Emily Miller Bonney ◊
Alex and Gretta Brooks
Robert* and Vivian* Bull
Laura and Charles Davis
Cleveland H. Dodge Foundation
Foundation for Jewish Heritage (London)
Jürgen Friede ‡
Paul Gaylo ∞
Ronald D. Geraty
Wilfred A. Geschke
Ed Gilbert*
Eugene Grant*
G. Walter Hansen
Daniel Hantman
James W. Hardin ‡
Michael Hasel ‡
Peyton R. Helm ◊
Donald Kramer*
Samuel H. Kress Foundation
Linda Noe Laine

Gary Lindstrom*
Lycoming College
Alex and Bridget MacAllister ‡
Elizabeth MacAulay ◊
Anne Melvin
Andrew Moelis ◊
Beth Alpert Nakhai ∞
Kiersten Neumann
Teresa and Robert A. Oden, Jr.
Timothy Potts
Suzanne Richard ∞
David and Ruth Seigle ◊
Audrey Shaffer ∞
Harva L. Sheeler*
H. Katherine Sheeler ∞
Lydie Shufro ∞
Abraham Sofaer and Marian Scheuer Sofaer ∞
Charles W. Steinmetz
Stuart Swiny ◊
University of British Columbia
Joseph Weinstein ∞
Alexander Weintraub
Malcolm Hewitt Wiener
Keeley and J. Edward Wright ‡

Supporter ($5,000 – $9,999)

Lisa Marilyn Ackerman ◊
William Andreas ∞
Lamar Barden ‡
Andrea Berlin ◊
Oded and Marcia Borowski ∞
James S. Bucko ◊
Frances Cahill
Wallace S. Cameron ◊
Vera R. Campbell
Duane Clark
Margaret E. Cohen ‡
Davidson College
P. M. Michèle Daviau ◊
Paul Fitzpatrick ∞
Nan Frederick*
George Washington University
Seymour Gitin ∞
Denise Gold ◊
Crawford Greenewalt, Jr.*
Harvard University
John Hoffman
Allan B. Hubbard
Ice Miller LLP
Marjorie Kiewit*
Phillip J. King*
Albert Leonard, Jr. ◊
Laurel MacAllister
Burton MacDonald

Dale Manor ‡
Vincent Mauer ◊
Lee Maxwell
Byron McCane ◊
Mark W. Meehl
Mary and Charles Midkiff
Barbara Miley
Christopher Morris
Hanan Charaf and Robert Mullins ∞
Nash Family Foundation
Pittsburgh Theological Seminary
Barbara Porter ∞
Nader Rastegar
William Raynolds ◊
Barbara M. Reeves ‡
Austin and Norma Ritterspach
Marsha Rozenbilt
Ricardo A. St. Hilaire
Virginia M. Snoddy
Southwest Baptist Theological Seminary
Olin J. Storvick*
University of Glasgow
University of Victoria
Jane C. Waldbaum ∞
Carolyn F. Waldron ∞
Donald Whitcomb* and Janet Johnson ◊
K. Lawson Younger ‡
Randall Younker ∞

ASOR is grateful to our generous donors and has made every effort to ensure accuracy in recognizing them. Please contact us at if we have made an error in acknowledging you as a donor.

* = Deceased
◊ = 5–9 years of consecutive giving
‡ = 10–14 years of consecutive giving
∞ = 15+ years of consecutive giving