Benedicte LHoyer Hazor Fieldwork Report 2023



MADE DURING FISCAL YEAR 2023 (7/1/22–6/30/23)


In memory of Khaled al-Assad
  • Kerry Hennigan
In honor of Yuval Bar-Zemer
  • Lynn Swartz Dodd
In honor of Alex Brooks
  • Eric and Carol Meyers
In honor of Gretta Brooks
  • Eric and Carol Meyers
In memory of Vivian Bull
  • Susan Ackerman
  • Elizabeth Keat
  • Laura Mazow
  • Carolyn Midkiff Strange
In honor of Vera R. Campbell
  • Ted Dodd and Lynn Swartz Dodd
In honor of William G. Dever
  • Dale W. Manor
In honor of Dr. Doug Clark and Dr. Larry Geraty
  • Gregory Hoenes
In honor of Dr. Larry Geraty Please also see below for gifts to the Geraty Endowment.
  • Andy and Amy Vaughn
In memory of Dennis Groh
  • Auto-Owners Insurance
  • Seymour Gitin
  • Carolyn Midkiff Strange
  • Robert Van Hyfte
  • Andy and Amy Vaughn
In memory of Ron Haznedl
  • Stephen R. and Betty Snow
In honor of Felice Herman
  • Eric Welch
In memory of Mike Homan
  • Morag Kersel and Yorke Rowan
In memory of Barbara L. Johnson
  • Kathleen Warner Slane
In memory of Norma Kershaw
  • Alina and Thomas Levy
In memory of Rev. Dr. George M. Landes
  • Carol M. Landes
In honor of Ellen Rebecca Nickles
  • Joann Galley
In memory of Bradley J. Parker
  • Catherine Foster
In memory of Tom Parker
  • Barbara A. Porter
In memory of Richard J. Scheuer
  • Marian Scheuer Sofaer and Abraham Sofaer
In memory of Prof. Dr. Harlow Shapley
  • Sarah Stowell Shapley
In memory of Harva Sheeler
  • Sarah Parcak
In memory of Ivan Starr
  • Paul J. Fischer
In memory of Elizabeth Strange
  • Carolyn Midkiff Strange
  • James Riley Strange
In memory of James F. Strange  Please also see below for gifts to the Strange-Midkiff Endowment.
  • Stetson Pevear
  • Carolyn Midkiff Strange
In honor of James R. Strange
  • Carolyn Midkiff Strange
In honor of Andrew G. Vaughn
  • Stephen L. Cook
In memory of Catherine and Silas Vaughn
  • Andy and Amy Vaughn
In memory of James B. Young
  • Jeanine Young-Mason


Gifts to Named Endowment Funds*

Thomas Bishop Annual Meeting Scholarship Endowment
  • Sheila T. Bishop
Stevan B. Dana Endowment for Grants to ASOR-Affiliated Excavation Projects in the State of Israel
  • Stevan B. Dana
Stevan B. Dana Endowment for Scholarships to Support Fieldwork Participation in Israel
  • Stevan B. Dana
Lawrence T. Geraty Endowment
  • Lawrence T. Geraty
  • Timothy P. Harrison
  • Elmar and Darilee Sakala
  • Gilbert Valentine
  • Andy and Amy Vaughn
Eric and Carol Meyers Fellowship Endowment
  • Eric and Carol Meyers
Shirlee Meyers/G.E. Wright Fellowship Endowment
  • Eric and Carol Meyers
Joe D. Seger Endowment
  • Joe Seger
Strange/Midkiff Families Endowment
  • Stetson Pevear
  • Carolyn Midkiff Strange


* Please note that this list only contains gifts to these named funds made during Fiscal Year 2023