Russell swapping head-wear with one of the elders of the Bedouin tribe  with whom he has continually worked at Ayn Gharandal. This picture is from last summer, the AGAP 2013 season, when Russell served as a trench supervisor.

In 2010, Russell was awarded a Heritage Fellowship and participated in the Ayn Gharandal Archaeological Project in southern Jordan.

What was your most memorable moment during the excavation season you participated in?

The most memorable moment of that season for me was when we discovered ancient Greek graffiti in the bathhouse which we were excavating near the Roman fort. I had been digging over a meter of unstratified sand for a week and was feeling somewhat discouraged when I looked over at the plaster wall we’d uncovered and saw a probable Chi-Rho symbol as well as other Greek writing and images including a sailboat.

What advice would you give a fellow recipient?

After the excavation in 2010, I took some time to travel around Jordan and Egypt while I was in the Middle East. I strongly advice fellowship recipients to maximize the value of their trip with extra travel if they can, since getting to Jordan and back can be very expensive.

Are you still affiliated with ASOR as a member?

I was an ASOR member last year and presented a paper at the 2013 Annual Meeting. I plan to renew again this year hopefully and look forward to continuing my membership throughout my career.

What is the current status of your career or education (or other project)?

I am planning on completing my MA at NC State in May and I hope to advance to a doctoral program in classical archaeology next year, though I am currently in the process of interviewing and awaiting admissions decisions.

How did the scholarship/grant help you with your career?

The fellowship allowed me to continue archaeological work in Jordan which has lead to my appointment on the Ayn Gharandal Archaeological Project as a square supervisor as well as my assignment as a trench supervisor at the Petra North Ridge Project in 2012 and area supervisor for this project in 2014.

Learn more about ASOR Excavation Fellowships