What was your most memorable moment during the excavation season you participated in?
Beyond the personal memories I recall with the greatest fondness, I will never forget the thrill of uncovering “Abram’s Altar,” a small mud-brick shrine unearthed in my particular square.
What advice would you give a fellow recipient?
I would recommend any recipient try to work with Elizabeth Bloch-Smith. Otherwise, I would say digging—in the heat of summer especially—is a love–hate relationship, depending on the day. As the post-dig months pass by, however, the love quickly outshines the hate.
Are you still affiliated with ASOR as a member?
I am an ASOR member and plan on remaining so indefinitely.
What is the current status of your career or education (or other project)?
A research assistant at Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, I am currently writing on Wilhelmine historiography of ancient Israelite religion.
How did the scholarship/grant help you with your career?
Thanks to the generous Heritage Fellowship, I was able to participate in the excavations at Tel Dor. This opportunity brought to life not only the ancient world but also the very enterprise of archaeology, providing me with far greater perspective as I continue to read of the tremendous finds yielded through controlled excavation.