In-Person Component | Boston, November 16-19
Virtual Component | Online, October 19-23
The 2022 ASOR Annual Meeting, once again, had both virtual and in-person components. The virtual component was held online, October 19-23, and the in-person component took place at the Boston Park Plaza, November 16-19.
More than 1,000 people registered for the meeting and more than 600 individuals gave presentations on the 2022 Academic Program. Presenters represented more than 40 countries and 6 continents.
Read on for a summary of each component and click here to see 2022 Honors & Awards that were announced at the Members’ Meeting on November 18th in Boston. If you attended the meeting, please provide important feedback by completing the 2022 Annual Meeting Evaluation.
Megan Cifarelli, Karen Rubinson, and Siavash Samei at the Rubinson Celebration.
Virtual Component: Online, October 19-23
Nearly 300 presentations were given as part of ASOR’s virtual component in 65 sessions over five days. Attendees viewed pre-recorded paper presentations ahead of the meeting and engaged in discussion sessions online with the presenters. All of the recorded content from the virtual component of the 2022 ASOR Annual Meeting will be available to registered attendees on ASOR’s Virtual Meeting Platform through June 2023.
In-Person Component: Boston, November 16-19
ASOR welcomed nearly 900 attendees in-person at the Boston Park Plaza. Dr. Solange Ashby opened the meeting on November 16 with her Plenary Address titled, Women of the Sacred South: Nubian Women in the temple and Upon the Throne. The presentation generated a lot of discussion and enthusiasm which continued throughout the evening at the Welcome Reception.
The Academic Program was especially robust with 105 sessions and workshops over three days. More than 500 papers, posters, and workshop presentations were delivered in Boston. ASOR CHI projects brought speakers from Tunisia and Libya to Boston to present in multiple sessions, thanks to State Department Embassy grants, and many participants were able to attend the meeting for the first time thanks to travel fellowships funded by generous donations from our members.
Attendees in Boston enjoyed several receptions and special functions during the meeting, such as a reception hosted by CAARI, the Early Career Scholars Reception, and the Women’s Mentoring Lunch was held again for the first time since before the pandemic. The Harvard Museum of the Ancient Near East (HMANE) hosted a private reception for ASOR attendees on Saturday evening after the sessions ended.
ASOR would like to thank everyone who participated and contributed to the success of the 2022 Annual Meeting. We hope that you enjoyed the meeting and will continue to enjoy the photos and the recorded content from the virtual component which will remain online through June 2023.
Please save the dates for ASOR’s 2023 Annual Meeting with a virtual component (October 18-21) and the in-person meeting at the Hilton Chicago (November 15-18). The Call for Member-Organized Session & Workshop Proposals will be open from December 15, 2022 – January 15, 2023.