Greetings, All! Stephanie Budin writing. As of January 1st I have taken over the editorship of Near Eastern Archaeology from Thomas Schneider. Together with my tried and true assistant editor Julia Hsieh and the fabulous tech. support guys at University of Chicago Press (who, fortunately for me, have very, very good senses of humor), we shall continue to publish articles of interest and relevance in the field of, well, Near Eastern archaeology, as well as epigraphy, anthropology, and matters of cultural heritage and preservation.
Some format changes are in contemplation to keep NEA charging into the 21st century. We shall continue to bring you varied and interesting general issues, while some truly spectacular Special Topics issues are already in the works (Stay Tuned!). And in the spirit of providing for our readers, we shall soon be sending out an on-line survey to determine what you want most (and least) from NEA. Please give us a hand and take the three minutes necessary to fill it out.
My hope for the future is that we get enough quality submissions to keep the journal flowing well and on time. I’ll have more grandiose visions later; at the moment, I’m staying practical. Thus I extend an invitation to all scholars to submit articles for future issues of NEA, with topics pertaining to the near eastern world from Turkey and Egypt to Afghanistan, as well as the regions around the Mediterranean populated by residents of the same (Punic to Persian, if you will), from the Paleolithic to the rise of Islam (at which point things become medieval, less ancient). Articles may be submitted at, with full instructions at I myself can be reached at Please drop a line if you have any questions or suggestions.