The Publications Committee of the American Schools of Oriental Research announces a call for nominations for the Editor of the ASOR Annual (AASOR) for a term to begin 1 January 2019. ASOR book series editors serve a three-year term eligible to be renewed twice.
The first volume of the AASOR appeared in 1920, making it ASOR’s signature publication. AASOR is a medium for the publication of lengthy preliminary or interim archaeological reports or monograph-length studies relating to archaeology in the Near East. The Editor, working in cooperation with the other ASOR editors, with the Publications Committee, and ASOR’s book publishing partner ISD, holds full editorial control AASOR.
Self-nominations are preferred and should include the following items: 1) a one-paragraph academic biography; 2) a brief statement describing why the candidate is interested in the position; and 3) contact information (including e-mail and phone). If a candidate is being nominated by another person, we seek the candidate’s name, a short academic history, a brief statement describing why the candidate would be appropriate for the position, contact information, and, most importantly, a statement from the candidate that she or he agrees to their name being placed into nomination.
Candidates are encouraged to contact the current editor, Kevin McGeough (, for more information about the position and its responsibilities. Nominations for each position should be directed to the Chair of the Publications Committee, Charles Jones (, with a copy to the Director of Membership and Publications, Inda Omerefendic (
Review of applications will begin 15 September 2018 with a recommendation of a candidate to the ASOR Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees and the full ASOR Board before the Annual Meeting in Denver in November 2018.