Approved the Fiscal Year 2012 Audit and an Investment and Spending Policy for ASOR. Also approved the journal escrow requirement for 2012 to ensure that adequate funds are set aside to publish ASOR’s journals.
Unanimously elected Assistant Treasurer Richard Coffman to serve a three-year term as treasurer (2013–2015). Enthusiastically thanked Sheldon Fox who served two terms as treasurer.
Unanimously elected to serve a three-year term (2013–2015). Enthusiastically thanked James F. Strange for ten years of service as secretary.
Unanimously elected B. W. Ruffner to serve as ASOR Board Chair for a three-year term (July 2013 – June 2016). Current Board Chair P. E. MacAllister will be transitioning to Chairman Emeritus as of June 30, 2013.
Unanimously elected the following people as board elected trustees for the Class of 2015: Sheldon Fox, B. W. Ruffner, James F. Strange.
Expressed enthusiastic appreciation to those trustees who were completing terms on the board and would be rotating off the board as of December 31, 2012: Christopher Rollson, Audrey Shaffer, Susan Sheridan, Randall Younker.
Heard report from the Executive Committee’s September meeting. Following a recommendation from the Publications Committee, the EC approved spending up to $10,000 per year (if necessary) for up to two years to cover the increased cost of moving BASOR to color and increasing the page count by 25%. The EC also approved spending donated funds to start two new e-Newsletters (News@ASOR and The Ancient Near East Today) and a webinar initiative.
Received the Development Committee report about the Building a Foundation for ASOR Campaign. The Campaign has exceeded the half-way mark of the $1.3 million goal with the expectation to complete the campaign by June 30, 2014. The trustees were asked to affirm their commitment to successfully completing the campaign, and everyone present stood as a sign of their support.
Unanimously passed a motion instructing the President to appoint a committee to draft a statement for the board consideration on the responsibilties of individual trustees. The document should be intended to guide the board on what to do if invidual trustees bring ethical issues to the larger board for consideration.
Unanimously and enthusiastically passed a motion to express appreciation to James Weinstein who has announced that he will be stepping down as editor of BASOR on June 30, 2014 after more than a decade of service.