conducting survey at the site of Kerkenes in Turkey



Currently, 149 projects are affiliated with ASOR. This includes 119 field projects and 30 publication projects.

ASOR supports research in archaeology and related fields in the Middle East, North Africa, Eastern Mediterranean and Western Asia. ASOR-affiliated projects adhere to ASOR policies, most notably the Non-Discrimination Policy, Policy on Professional Conduct, and Code of Conduct for the ASOR Annual Meeting and Other ASOR Sponsored Events. These policies affirm ASOR’s commitment to high standards for research integrity, academic mentoring and ethical professional behavior. Project Principal Investigators may apply for ASOR affiliation for their projects through the Committee for Archaeological Research and Policy (CAP). Currently, more than 100 research projects in Armenia, Cyprus, Denmark, Egypt, Ethiopia, Georgia, Greece, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Montenegro, Morocco, North Macedonia, Oman, Palestine, Spain, Sudan, and Turkey have become ASOR-affiliated. Principal investigators for these affiliated projects include in-country researchers as well as scholars from Europe and North America.

ASOR-affiliated projects receive advice, encouragement, and constructive criticism from peer professionals through CAP. Principal Investigators of ASOR-affiliated projects are eligible to apply for ASOR Project Grants (Dana, Harris, Seger and Gold grants), and Shepard Urgent Action Grants. Dana, Harris, Seger and Gold grants support worthy field projects, particularly to help newer and smaller projects get started, as well as other ASOR-affiliated projects to support research and analysis leading to project publications. Shepard grants support urgently needed documentation, conservation or stabilization of important archaeological sites or features. Students working on ASOR-affiliated projects are eligible to apply for Scholarships for Fieldwork Participation.

 Projects listed in italics have information available on 2025 field seasons.

Apply for ASOR Affiliation

Armenia (1 field project)
Croatia (1 field project)
Cyprus (8 field projects, 3 publications)
Denmark (1 field project)
Egypt (9 field projects)
Ethiopia (1 field project)
Georgia (1 field project)
Greece (1 field project)
Iran (2 field projects)
Iraq (16 field projects)
Israel (26 field projects, 12 publications)
Italy (3 field projects)
Jordan (24 field projects, 11 publications)
Lebanon (1 field project)
Libya (1 field project)
Montenegro (1 field project)
Morocco (1 field project)
North Macedonia (1 field project)
Oman (1 field project)
Spain (1 field project)
Sudan (2 field projects)
Tunisia (1 publication)
Turkey (15 field projects, 3 publications)
West Bank (1 publication)





Location P.I. / Director(s)
ARMENIA (1 Field Project)
The Vayots Dzor Fortress Landscapes Project – field Tiffany Earley-Spadoni (University of Central Florida), Arthur Petrosyan (Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, National Academy of Sciences, Armenia), and Boris Gasparyan (Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, National Academy of Sciences, Armenia)
CROATIA (1 Field Project)
The Brač Island Project – field Sarah James (University of Colorado – Boulder) and Verdan Barbarić (University of Split)
CYPRUS (8 Field Projects, 3 Publications)
Agrarian Life and Landscape at Politiko-Troullia – field Steven Falconer and Patricia Fall (University of North Carolina-Charlotte)
Ancient Kition and Ayioi Omoloyites Bioarchaeological Projects – field Nicholas P. Herrmann (Texas State University), Efthymia Nikita (The Cyprus Institute), Despina Pilides, Polina Christofi, and Yiannis Violaris (Department of Antiquities, Cyprus)
Excavations at Kourion’s Amathous Gate Cemetery – publication Michael Given (University of Glasgow)
Kalavasos-Laroumena and Arkhangelos Archaeological Research Project – field Mara T. Horowitz (SUNY Purchase)
Kalavasos and Maroni Built Environments Project – field Kevin D. Fisher (University of British Columbia) and Sturt W. Manning (Cornell University)
Kissonerga-Skalia Bronze Age Settlement – field Lindy Crewe (CAARI)
Makounta-Voules Archaeological Project – field (field school) Kathryn Grossman (North Carolina State University)
Prastio Mesorotsos Archaeological Expedition – field Andrew McCarthy (University of Edinburgh)
The Pyla-Koutsopetria Archaeological Project – publication/field R. Scott Moore (Indiana University of Pennsylvania), William Caraher (University of North Dakota), and David Pettegrew (Messiah College)
Vigla: Tom Landvatter (Reed College), Brandon Olson (Metropolitan State University, Denver), and R. Scott Moore (Indiana University of Pennsylvania)
Up from the sea: Mariner Networks in the Late Bronze Age Eastern Mediterranean – publication Linda Hulin (Oxford Centre for Maritime Archaeology, Palestine Exploration Fund)
DENMARK (1 Field Project)
Vasagard Projectfield Finn Ole Nielsen, M. Nicolas Caretta, Michael Thorsen, Ditte Kofod, and Roxana Youkhana (Institute for Field Research/Bornholm Museum)
EGYPT (9 Field Projects)
Bioarchaeology of Deir el-Medina Research Project – field Anne Austin (University of Missouri—St. Louis)
Early Memphis Project – field Sergio Alarcón Robledo (Harvard University)
Egyptian Italian Mission at West Aswan EIMAWA – field Patrizia Piacentini (Università degli Studi di Milano) and Abd el-Moneim Said (Ministry of Antiquities – Egypt)
The Gebel el-Silsila Project – field Maria Nilsson, John Ward, and Patricia Coletto
The Middle Kingdom Theban Project – field Antonio J. Morales (Universidad de Alcalá), Raúl Sánchez (University of Grenada), and Sergio Alarcón (Harvard University)
The Ramesses III (KV 11) Publication and Conservation Projectfield Anke Weber (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
Safeguarding and Documenting the Akhmim Tomb C4 – field Wahid Omran (Fayoum University)
Tell Timai Project field Jay Silverstein (Nottingham Trent University) and Robert Littman (University of Hawaii)
Wadi el-Hudi Expedition – field Kate Liszka (California State University, San Bernardino), Meredith Brand (American University in Cairo), and Bryan Kraemer (Robert and Frances Fullerton Museum of Art)
ETHIOPIA (1 Field Project)
Southern Red Sea Archaeological Histories (SRSAH) Project – field Michael Harrower (Johns Hopkins University) and Cinzia Perlingieri (Center for Digital Archaeology)
GEORGIA (1 Field Project)
Gadachrili Gora Regional Archaeological Project Expedition GRAPE) – field Stephen Batiuk (University of Toronto)
GREECE (1 Field Project)
Athenian Agora Excavations – field John Papadopoulos (American School of Classical Studies at Athens) and Debby Sneed (California State University, Long Beach)
IRAN (2 Field Project)
Seeking Sultan Abad-e Chamchamal: Archaeological Excavation in the Site of Tepe Hala Bag – field Mohammad Eghbal Chehri (Islamic Azad University-Tehran)
Tepe Ghabristan Belverdi – field Mohammad Eghbal Chehri (Islamic Azad University-Tehran)
IRAQ (16 Field Projects)
Asingeran Excavation Project – field Marco Iamoni, Riccardo Valente (University of Udine) and Maddalena Scattini (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia)
Crafting Landscape: Resources Exploitation and Production Strategies in Iraqi Kurdistan during Urbanisation and State Formation (CraftLand) – field Claire Padovani (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique)
Early Stages of Sumerian Civilization at Tell Zurghul/Nigin – field Andrea Polcaro (University of Perugia) and Davide Nadali (Sapienza University)
Erbil Plain Archaeological Survey – field Jason Ur (Harvard University)
Gird-I Matrab Archaeological Project (gMAP) – field Rocco Palermo (University of Pisa)
Kani Shaie Archaeological Project (KSAP) – field Steve Renette (University of Cambridge)
The Kurd Qaburstan Archaeological Projectfield Tiffany Earley-Spadoni (University of Central Florida) and Glenn Schwartz (Johns Hopkins University)
Lagash Archaeological Project – field Holly Pittman (University of Pennsylvania)
MAIKI, the Italian Historical-Archaeological Mission in Kurdistan – field Luca Colliva (Sapienza University)
MiSAK – Missione Archeologica Italiana nel Kurdistan Iracheno – field Luca Colliva (Sapienza University)
Paths to Urban Growth in the Nineveh Plain (PUG) – field Dr. Khaled Abu Jayyab (University of Toronto)
ReLand: Resurfacing Landscapes. Mosul Dam Archaeological Project – field Paola Sconzo (University of Palermo)
Rural Landscapes of Iron Age Imperial Mesopotamia – field Petra Creamer (Emory University)
Sealands Archaeology and Environment Program – field Jennifer Pournelle (University of South Carolina)
Sealands II: Geoarchaeology and Paleoenvironment Laboratory Analyses – field Jennifer Pournelle (University of South Carolina)
The Sebittu Project – field Timothy Matney (University of Akron)
ISRAEL (26 Field Projects, 12 Publications)
Aegean Interactions with the Levant at Tel Kabri – field Eric H. Cline (George Washington University) and Assaf Yasur-Landau (University of Haifa)
Austrian Expedition to Tel Lachish – field Felix Höflmayer and Katharina Streit (Austrian Academy of Sciences)
Birsama Exploration Projectfield Alexandra Ratzlaff (Brandeis University) and Tali Erickson-Gini
Borders and Crossroads: Arameans, Phoenicians, and Israelitesfield Robert Mullins (Azusa Pacific University), Naama Yahalom-Mack, and Nava Panitz-Cohen (Hebrew University)
The Carmel Coast Marine Archaeology Project – field Assaf Yasur-Landau (University of Haifa) and Thomas E. Levy (University of California, San Diego)
Caesarea Coastal Archaeological Project (C-CAP) field A. Asa Eger (University of North Carolina at Greensboro), Beverly Goodman (University of Haifa), and Andrea de Giorgi (Florida State University)
Desert Chiefdom – The Shiqmim Chalcolithic Project, Negev Desert, Israel – publication Thomas E. Levy (University of California, San Diego)
Early Desert Cities: An Investigation into 3rd Millennium BCE Urbanism at Tel Arad at the Macro- and Microscales – field Zachary Dunseth (Brown University), Ruth Shahack-Gross (University of Haifa), and Israel Finkelstein (Tel Aviv University)
Excavations at Tel Mevorakh – field Paula Waiman-Barak (University of Haifa) and Sveta Matskevich (Hebrew University)
Galilee Prehistory Project – field Yorke Rowan (University of Chicago)
The Hazor Excavations-Selz Foundation – field Igor Kreimerman (Hebrew University)
Hazor Lower City Excavation – field Shlomit Bechar (University of Haifa)
Hazor Lower City Excavationsfield Yossi Garfinkel (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Michael Hasel (Southern Adventist University), Assaf Yasur-Landau (University of Haifa), and Eric H. Cline (George Washington University)
Hippos Excavation Projectfield Michael Eisenberg and Arleta Kowalewska (University of Haifa)
Horvat Midras (Israel) Excavation Project, Israel – field Orit Peleg-Barkat (Hebrew University), Gregg E. Gardner (University of British Columbia)
Jezreel Expedition – publication Jennie Ebeling (University of Evansville) and Norma Franklin (University of Haifa)
Jezreel Valley Regional Project-Legiofield Mark Letteney (University of Southern California), Matthew J. Adams (Albright Institute), Yotam Tepper (University of Haifa), and Susan Cohen (Montana State University
Joint Archaeological Expedition to Tell el-Hesi – publication Jeff Blakely (University of Wisconsin)
Tell el-Hesi Archaeological Excavation Project – field Kara Larson (University of Michigan), Geoffrey Ludvik (University of Wisconsin-Madison), and James W. Hardin (Mississippi State University)
Khirbet Beit Loya Excavations and Terrace Study – field Bethany J. Walker (University of Bonn) and Oren Gutfeld (Hebrew University)
Lahav Research Project, Phases I-III – publication Joe D. Seger (Mississippi State University)
Omrit Settlement Excavation Project – publication Jennifer Gates-Foster (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), Michael Nelson (Queens College), Benjamin Rubin (Independent Scholar), Daniel Schowalter (Carthage College), and Jason Schlude (St. John’s University)
The Shikhin Excavation Project – field James Riley Strange (Samford University)
Tel Beit Mirsim Project – field Michael Freikman and Igor Kreimerman (Hebrew University)
Tel Beth-Shemesh Excavations – field Shawn Bubel (University of Lethbridge), Shlomo Bunimovitz, and Zvi Lederman (Tel Aviv University)
Tel Burna Archaeological Project – field Steven Ortiz (Lipscomb University) and Itzhaq Shai (Ariel University)
Tel Dan – Phase II – field David Ilan (Hebrew Union College)
Tel Gezer Publication Project – publication Steven Ortiz (Lipscomb University) and Sam Wolff (Albright Institute)
Tel Miqne-Ekron Publications Project – publication Seymour Gitin (Albright Institute of Archaeological Research, Hebrew University)
Tel Yaqush Research and Excavations – field Yael Rottem (Penn Museum) and Mark Iserlis (German Archaeological Institute, Berlin)
Tell el-Wawiyat Excavation Project – publication Beth Alpert Nakhai (University of Arizona) and J.P. Dessel (University of Tennessee, Knoxville)
The Fourth Expedition to Lachish – publication Michael Hasel (Southern Adventist University)
The Huqoq Excavation Projectfield Jodi Magness (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
The Lautenschläger Azekah Expeditionfield Azekah Excavations
The Promontory Palace at Caesarea Maritima – publication Kathryn Gleason (Cornell University)
The Role and Significance of Egyptian Impact on Socio-political Development of the Southern Levant in the Period of Early Bronze I – field Eliot Braun (Independent Researcher)
The Zeitah Excavations – publication  Ron E. Tappy (Pittsburgh Theological Seminary)
The Gezer Gateway Project – publication  John S. Holladay Jr. (University of Toronto) and Stanley Klassen (University of Toronto)
ITALY (3 Field Projects)
The Casa della Regina Carolina (CRC) Project, Pompeii – field Caitie Barrett (Cornell University), Kathryn Gleason (Cornell University), Annalisa Marzano (University of Bologna)
The S’Urachi Project: Cultural Encounters and Everyday Life around a Nuraghe from the Iron Age to the Roman periodfield Peter van Dommelen (Brown University), Dr. Alfonso Stiglitz
University of Palermo Archaeological Research Project at Motya (Sicily) – field Dr. Paola Sconzo (University of Palermo)
JORDAN (24 Field Projects, 11 Publications)
‘Ayn Gharandal Archaeological Project – field Erin Darby and Robert Darby (University of Tennessee-Knoxville)
Abu en-Ni`aj: Early Bronze IV Village Life – publication Patricia Fall (University of North Carolina-Charlotte)
The Ad-Deir Monument and Plateau Project – field/restoration Cynthia Finlayson (Brigham Young University)
Archaeological Expedition to Khirbat Iskandar and its Environs, Jordan – field Suzanne Richard (Gannon University), Jesse C. Long (Lubbock Christian University), and Marta D’Andrea (Sapienza The University of Rome)
Ba’aja Survey and Excavations – field David Graf (University of Miami)
Balu’a Regional Archaeological Project – field Kent Bramlett (La Sierra University), Monique Roddy (Walla Walla University), and Friedbert Ninow (La Sierra University)
Bir Madhkur Project – field Andrew M. Smith II (George Washington University)
Dhiban Excavation and Development Project – field Danielle Fatkin (Knox College)
Eastern Badia Archaeological Project – field Yorke Rowan (University of Chicago)
Expedition to the Dead Sea Plain – publication Meredith S. Chesson (University of Notre Dame) and Morag M. Kersel (DePaul University)
Exploring Continuity and Transition in Southern Jordan – field Dr. Jennifer Ramsay (SUNY Brockport), Dr. Bjorn Anderson (University of Iowa) and Dr. Craig Harvey
(University of Alberta)
Hellenistic Petra Project IV – field David Graf (University of Miami)
Hisban Cultural Heritage Project – field Oystein LaBianca (Andrews University), Bethany Walker (University of Bonn), and Maria Elena Ronza (Andrews University and Sela for Vocational Training and Protection of Cultural Heritage)
Humayma Excavation Project – field Craig A. Harvey (University of Alberta) and Sarah E. Wenner (University of Cincinnati)
Humayma Excavation Project – Nabataean and Roman Period Settlements – publication M. Barbara Reeves (Queen’s University)
Karak Resources Project (KRP) – publication Gerald Mattingly (Johnson University) and James H. Pace (Elon University)
The Khirbet al-Khalde Archaeological Project – field Dr. Craig A. Harvey (Western University) and Prof. Dr. Rubina Raja (Aarhus University)
Khirbat al-Mukhayyat Archaeological Projectfield Debra Foran (Wilfrid Laurier University)
Khirbet Ghozlan Excavation Project – field James Fraser (University of Sydney)
The Kites in Context Project – field Chad Hill (University of Pennsylvania) and Yorke Rowan (University of Chicago)
Khirbet Safra Excavations – field Paul Gregor (Andrews University)
Landscapes of the Dead: Aerial and Pedestrian Site Monitoring at Fifa, Jordan – field Morag Kersel (DePaul University)
Lowlands to Highlands Edom Project – publication Neil Smith (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology)
Madaba Plains Project-`Umayri Publication Project – publication Larry Herr (Burman University)
Madaba Regional Archaeological Museum Project (MRAMP) – field Douglas R. Clark (La Sierra University), Marta D’Andrea (Sapienza The University of Rome), Andrea Polcaro (University of Perugia), and Suzanne Richard (Gannon University)
Mudawwara Ottoman Fort – field Andrew Petersen (University of Wales Trinity Saint David)
Petra Garden and Pool Complex – field Leigh-Ann Bedal (Penn State University, Behrend)
Petra North Ridge Project – publication Megan A. Perry (East Carolina University)
Pottery and Communal Identity: Archaeometric Study of Islamic Ceramics from Northern Jordan – field Hussein Al-Sababha (Bonn University)
Tall al-Handaquq South Archaeological Project – field Hanna Erftenbeck (Colgate University) and Natalia M. Handziuk (University of Notre Dame)
Tell Madaba Archaeological Project – publication Debra Foran (Wilfrid Laurier University) and Timothy P. Harrison (University of Toronto)
The Final Publication of the Paul W. Lapp Excavations at Araq el-Emir – publication Nancy Lapp (Pittsburgh Theological Seminary)
Umm el-Jimal Project – field Darrell Rohl (Calvin University), Elizabeth Osinga, and Jenna Morton
University of California San Diego Edom Lowlands Regional Archaeology Project (ELRAP) – publication Thomas E. Levy and Mohammad Najjar (University of California, San Diego)
Zahrat adh-Dhra’ 1: Middle Bronze Age Settlement on the Dead Sea Plain – publication Steve Falconer (University of North Carolina-Charlotte)
LEBANON (1 Field Project)
Tell Douris Excavation Project – field Hanan Charaf (Lebanese University)
LIBYA (1 Field Project)
Local and International Protection of Cyrene’s Archaeological Heritage from Threats – field Rizq Khalid (Mohammed bin Ali Al Sunoussi Islamic University)
MONTENEGRO (1 Field Project)
Ulqin Archaeological Project: Landscape Survey and Geography in Southern Montenegro – field Daniel Plekhov (Portland State University), Elic Weitzel (University of Connecticut), and Erina Baci (University of Michigan)
MOROCCO (1 Field Project)
Unveiling the Farming-Herding Communities of III-I Millennium B.C. Mediterranean Western Maghreb, Kach Kouch – field Hamza Benattia
NORTH MACEDONIA (1 Field Project)
Neanderthal Crossroads Project – field Darko Stojanovski (Balkan Heritage Foundation), Sarah Lacy (California State University Dominguez Hills), and Tracje Nacev (University of Goce Delchev)
OMAN (1 Field Project)
 Archaeological Water Histories of Oman (ArWHO) Project – field  Michael Harrower (Johns Hopkins University)
SPAIN (1 Field Project)
Torre d’en Galmés, Menorca Archaeological Project – field  Alexander Smith (SUNY Brockport), Amalia Pérez-Juez (Boston University), and Paul Goldberg (Universität Tübingen)
SUDAN (2 Field Projects)
 International El Kurru Archaeological Project – field  Geoff Emberling (University of Michigan) and Rachael J. Dann (University of Copenhagen)
The Royal Pyramids and Necropolis of Nuri (Sudan) – field Pearce Paul Creasman (University of Arizona), Meghan E. Strong (Cleveland Museum of Natural History), and Abagail Breidenstein (University of Zurich)
TUNISIA (1 Publication )
Carthage, The Precinct of Tanit (tophet) and Ba’al: The ASOR Punic Project: The Stager Excavations (1975-1979) – publication J.A. Greene (Harvard University), B.K. Garnand (Harvard University, NINO-Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten), L. E. Stager (Harvard University)
TURKEY (15 Field Projects, 3 Publications)
A Clash of Kings – South-central Anatolian Political Geography Between Phrygia and Assyria – field Michele Massa (Bilkent University)
A Zooarchaeological Approach to Bronze Age Urban Food Provisioning in Central Anatolia – publication Levent Atici (University of Nevada)
Antiochia ad Cragum Archaeological Research Projectfield Michael Hoff (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
Bioarchaeology of Syedra: Reconstructing lived experiences through human skeletal remains at Syedra Antik Kenti (Syedra Archaeological Site) – field

Dr. Kathryn Marklein (University of Louisville), Dr. Ertug Ergurer (Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey Üniversitesi)

Building Rome Away From Rome: The Emergence and Impact of the Roman City in the Upper Sakarya River Valley (Central Anatolia)field Paolo Maranzana (Boğaziçi Üniversitesi)
Chicago-Tübingen Expedition to Zincirli Höyük – field Virginia Herrmann (Tubingen University) and J. David Schloen (University of Chicago)
Cadır Höyük Archaeological Excavations – field Sharon Steadman, Jennifer Ross, and Burcu Yldr (SUNY Cortland)
Ethnobotany as Cultural Heritage: A Case Study of Kazdağı National Park’s Plant Species’ Ethnobotanical Uses from Past to Present – publication Melis Taner (Özyeğin University) and Beyza Şat (Özyeğin University)
The Kerkenes Project – field Scott Branting (University of Central Florida) and Joseph W. Lehner (University of Sydney)
Kinik Hoyuk Archaeological Project – field Lorenzo d’Alfonso (New York University)
Küçükyalı ArkeoPark Project – field Alessandra Ricci (Koç University)
Phoenix Archaeological Project (PAP) – field Dr. Asil Yaman (Penn Museum); Assoc. Prof. Dr. Koray Konuk (CNRS – Bordeaux Montaigne University, Ausonius Institute); Dr. Anna Sitz (Universität Heidelberg)
Polatlı Landscape Archaeology and Survey Project (PLAS) – field Müge Durusu-Tanriover (Temple University)
Tayinat Archaeological Project – field Timothy P. Harrison (University of Toronto) and Elif Denel (American Research Institute in Turkey, Ankara)
Tell Atchana, Alalakh Excavations – field Murat Akar (Hatay Mustafa Kemal University)
Tell al-Judaidah 2000 BCE and Later Publication Project – publication Lynn Dodd (University of Southern California)
Türkmen-Karahöyük Archaeological Project (TKAP) – field Michele Massa (Bilkent University) and James Osborne (University of Chicago)
Yalburt Yaylasi Archaeological Landscape Research Project (Konya Province) – field Ömür Harmanşah (University of Illinois at Chicago)
WEST BANK (1 Publication )
The Publication of Paul W. Lapp’s Excavations at Taanach- publication Nancy Lapp (ASOR/Concordia Seminary, St. Louis and Hamed Salem, Birzeit University)