ASOR CHI obtains data on cultural heritage incidents from individuals and organizations working within or on the borders of the conflict zones of Syria and northern Iraq. This data is incorporated into our Incident Reports and published in our ongoing Weekly Report series. Such information helps to ensure that ASOR CHI provides timely and accurate information that helps to expose atrocities such as cultural cleansing and religious persecution, thwart the efforts of antiquities smugglers, and counter the propaganda produced by extremist organizations and other belligerents operating in the conflict zones of Syria and Iraq.

ASOR CHI obtains data on cultural heritage incidents from individuals and organizations working within or on the borders of the conflict zones of Syria and northern Iraq.

More information on ASOR CHI’s efforts in this area is available in the following publications:

Danti, Michael D. 2015 “Ground-Based Observations of Cultural Heritage Incidents in Syria and Iraq,” Near Eastern Archaeology 78/3: 133–141.

2016 “ISIS, War and the Threat to Cultural Heritage in Iraq and Syria: Recent Cultural Heritage Developments.” IFAR Journal 16/4: 33–46.

Nov. 17, 2015 “The Finance of Global Terrorism Through Cultural Property Crime in Syria and Northern Iraq.” Terrorist Financing: Kidnapping, Antiquities Trafficking, and Private Donations. U.S. House of Representatives. Committee on Foreign Affairs. Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation, and Trade. Washington, DC.