Fostering Education & Stewardship

The long-term stewardship and care for cultural heritage throughout the Near East and broader Mediterranean is a communal responsibility. As a partner in this undertaking, ASOR recognizes that civil society has an important role to play, supplementing the limited resources of the state. We seek to strengthen those already engaged with this work while cultivating a broader community of support.

We begin by casting a wide net. Through its ASORtv channel on YouTube, ASOR provides accessible content tailored to a general audience exploring three main themes: the richness, complexity and diversity of the past; the current threats facing cultural heritage sites and collections; and the efforts of ASOR, its partners and local authorities to protect these resources.

Under its Suitcase Museum program, ASOR provides hands-on enrichment materials to community leaders well-positioned to engage audiences of diverse ages with the history of their area and build relationships with other aligned civil society groups.

As the community of support grows both stronger and larger, ASOR partners with volunteers to accomplish vital work protecting sites and collections. In conjunction with local university, civil society and government partners, ASOR organizes volunteer campaigns to meet ongoing cleaning, maintenance and stabilization needs at neglected sites.