The American Schools of Oriental Research (ASOR) is the preeminent society for individuals interested in the archaeology of the eastern Mediterranean and the Biblical Lands. This blog is intended to facilitate ASOR’s mission “to initiate, encourage and support research into, and public understanding of, the cultures and history of the Near East from the earliest times.”

That’s a Wrap

This month we focused on archaeology in the Digital Age, featuring seven posts on new issues arising in the field such as open access in academic publishing and incorporating new technology into fieldwork and research. Check out the articles below and let us know what you think in the comments. Have you tried going paperless in the field? Where do you stand on the open access debate? Are there any new innovations we missed that you think we should know about?

Turning Dirt into Pixels by Colleen Morgan

Legacy Excavations and Linked Open Data: A Virtual Vision of Sir Leonard Woolley’s Ur by W.B. Hafford

Living in the Golden Age of Open Access Archaeology by Mitch Allen

Augmented Reality, a New Horizon in Archaeology by Stuart Eve

The Virtual World Project: Touring the Ancient World by Ronald Simkins and Nicolae Roddy

iPads in the Field and Reflections on Archaeology’s Digital Future by William Caraher

Sustainability at Any Price is Not Sustainable: Open Access and Archaeology by Eric Kansa

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