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The Bulletin of ASOR (BASOR) is a leader among peer-reviewed academic journals of the ancient Near East. Since 1919, BASOR has served as a highly respected interdisciplinary English-language forum for scholars worldwide in subjects pertaining to the archaeological and history of the ancient Near Eastern world. The journal publishes articles by emerging and established scholars of the ancient world focusing on the regions of the Levant, Mesopotamia, Cyprus, Anatolia, Iran, Caucasus, and Egypt with a chronological range from the Paleolithic through the early modern period.

BASOR appears bi-annually, in May and November. Submissions of particular interest include articles that present original research, novel archaeological interpretations, theoretical analysis, and contributions based on innovative approaches to the study of the ancient world. As such, submissions that present excavation results or catalogs of objects and materials without an accompanying substantial analytical or methodological discussion will not be considered. The journal also contains reviews and commentaries on the latest books. Suggestions are also welcomed for occasional theme issues relating to topics of broad scholarly interest.

Current Issue:

BASOR 392 (November 2024):
This issue of BASOR includes articles such as Terra-cotta Roof Tiles in the Ancient Synagogues of Judaea/Palaestina; Reconstructing Late Prehistoric Occupation in the Southern Levant: Irbid as a Case Study for Settlements and Funerary Patterns; Biography of a Neo-Assyrian Relief Fragment from Nineveh; Dine and Worship: The Roman Complex in Front of the Pan Grotto in Paneas/Caesarea Philippi; and more. Table of Contents

Past Issues:

BASOR 391 (May 2024):
This issue of BASOR includes the following articles: Conspicuous Construction: New Light on Funerary Monuments in Rural Early Roman Judea from Horvat Midras; A Study of a Unique Roman Funerary Monument and Its Population at Dara in Upper Mesopotamia: A Collective Rock Burial “Tower”; Domestic Waste as a Window into Crusader-Period Le Lyon (Kibbutz Megiddo/Lajjun, Israel): Insights from a Household Midden and Its Ceramic Assemblage; and more. Table of Contents

BASOR 390 (November 2023):
This issue of BASOR includes the following articles: Close to Us or Far from Them? Unusual Funerary Spaces in Early and Middle Bronze Age Cyprus; Settlement Systems, Cultural Relationships, and Regional Economy during the Early Bronze Age III–IV in the Northern Shawbak and the Southern Dead Sea Valley: New Insights into the Copper Production System of Faynan; Continuity and Change in the Local Production of Hellenistic and Early Roman Cooking Pottery from Nea Paphos (Cyprus); and more. Table of Contents

BASOR May 2023

BASOR 389 (May 2023):
This issue of BASOR includes the following articles: Grain Mills from the Late Roman Legionary Camp in Palmyra; Honoring the Elite Deceased: A Re-Examination of the Shechem Courtyard Complexes; The Bamu Stela, Shahr-i Fadak, and Tapeh Shaho: Why Were so Many Monuments Erected around Mount Bamu? and more. Table of Contents

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Susan Cohen, Montana State University
Marwan Kilani, Freie Universität Berlin
Jana Mynářová, Charles University, Prague
Regine Pruzsinszky, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg

Contact at

Editorial Board:

Term 2021-2024
Shawn Bubel, University of Lethbridge
Megan Cifarelli, Manhattanville College
Ian W. N. Jones, New York University

Term 2022-2025
Patrick Michel, Université de Lausanne
Alexandra Ratzlaff, Brandeis University

Term 2023-2026
Nancy Highcock, Ashmolean Museum at Oxford
Ido Koch, Tel Aviv University
Brita Lorentzen, University of Georgia

Term 2024-2027
Leigh-Ann Bedal, Penn State Erie, The Behrend College
Gregg E. Gardner, University of British Columbia
Matthieu Richelle, Faculté Libre de Théologie Evangélique, Vaux-sur-Seine
Philipp Stockhammer, Ludwig Maximilian University Munich & Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, Jena
Marta D’Andrea, Sapienza University of Rome



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