UPDATE: The deadline the submit poster proposals for the 2024 ASOR Annual Meeting has been extended to August 15.
The poster session is an opportunity for all ASOR members, especially students and Early Career Members, to be involved in the academic program of ASOR’s Annual Meeting, as well as to get the word out about your research. Posters are an ideal format for presenting archaeological projects in general; a technical aspect of your project; a spectacular find from the field season; or complex graphic and/or quantitative data.
The 2024 ASOR Poster Session will be held at the Hilton Boston Park Plaza as part of ASOR’s hybrid Annual Meeting. A poster may be presented in-person during the poster session or shared virtually. All accepted posters will be hosted in an online gallery and the PDF files will be due on November 4.
The in-person Poster Session will be held on November 23 from 12:45-2:00pm. Presenters should plan to be available during this time to speak with attendees and answer questions about their poster.
ASOR Academic Membership and Annual Meeting Registration are requirements for all presenters on the academic program.
Thinking about presenting a poster? Please read the guidelines and helpful tips:
Extended Deadline for submission of poster proposals is August 15, 2024. The late fee of $25 has been waived.
Ready to submit your poster abstract?
All poster proposals must be submitted via ASOR’s Online Portal. Presenters must have ASOR Academic Membership and Annual Meeting Registration in order to access the form. The online submission form includes a place to indicate the format of the presentation (in-person or recorded) should the poster be accepted.
- Log-in to the ASOR Online Portal and select the “Events” drop-down menu from the top of the page. New users may need to create a free account.
- Select “Browse Upcoming Events” and select the 2024 ASOR Annual Meeting from the upcoming event titles.
- From the top of the 2024 ASOR Annual Meeting event page, select the “Abstracts” drop-down menu and go to the Abstract Center to submit a poster abstract.
Complete the ASOR 2024 Poster Abstract Submission Form in the Abstract Center
Joy Ungerleider Poster Award: If you would like your poster to be considered for the 2024 Joy Ungerleider Poster Award, a PDF of your poster will be due by November 6 with permission to archive your poster on a public website. In order for your poster to be considered for the Joy Ungerleider Poster Award:
1. Please complete this brief application form to apply for the award
2. Provide a PDF of your poster by November 6. Upload your Poster PDF file to the ASOR Dropbox Folder according to the instructions on the Presenter Information page (ASOR Online Portal log-in required).
If you have questions, please contact the session chair of the Poster Session, Sarah Wenner.
Printing Your Poster
PosterNerd is offering ASOR attendees a 10% discount. Place your order online here with Promo Code ASOR24.