Upcoming meetings
Winter/Spring 2025
- EC Meeting February 14-15 in Alexandria VA
- EC Spring Meeting, Saturday May 3, in Alexandria, VA
- Board of Trustees Spring Meeting, Saturday-Sunday May 3-4, in Alexandria, VA
Archived reports for previous Board and EC meetings
- November 2008, Boston, MA
- April 2009, Atlanta, GA
- Sept 2009, Boston, MA (EC only)
- November 2009, New Orleans, LA
- April 2010, Ann Arbor, MI
- Sept 2010, Boston, MA (EC only)
- November 2010, Atlanta, GA
- April 2011, Arlington, VA
- September 2011, Boston MA (EC only)
- November 2011, San Francisco
- April 2012, Toronto
- September 2012, Boston (EC only)
- November 2012, Chicago
- April 2013, Indianapolis
- September 2013, Boston (EC only)
- November 2013, Baltimore
- May 2014, Boston
- September 2014, Durham, NC (EC only)
- November 2014, San Diego, CA
- April 2015, Houston, TX
- November 2015, Atlanta, GA
- April 2016, Arlington, VA
- October 2016, Philadelphia, PA
- November 2016, San Antonio, TX
Lists of Board members and Committees
2005 Development Case Statement (for reference)
(* The Revised Bylaws & Articles of Incorporation were approved by the Executive Board at the 2006 Annual Meeting)
All new and continuing Trustees are expected to fulfill the ASOR Trustee Pledge.
The Trustee’s Pledge
- I fully affirm and support the mission of the American Schools of Oriental Research as here set forth (see Mission below).
- I agree to be a vigorous spokesperson and advocate for ASOR’s work both for and on behalf of its purposes and members.
- I pledge myself to regularly attend ASOR Board of Trustees meetings and to participate in the development of policy and plans for ASOR, working to remain current in understanding of all its work and activities.
- I plan to make annual financial contributions to ASOR and to solicit others for ASOR support.
- I agree to work actively on committees and to carry forth other assigned tasks as participation on the Board requires.
The Mission of ASOR
ASOR’s mission is to initiate, encourage and support research into, and public understanding of, the cultures and history of the Near East from the earliest times:
- By fostering original research, archaeological excavations, and explorations.
- By encouraging scholarship in the basic languages, cultural histories and traditions of the Near Eastern world.
- By maintaining an active program of timely dissemination of research results and conclusions.
- By maintaining the highest ethical standards of scholarship and public discourse.
- By promoting and advocating the highest academic standards in teaching about the Near East and in interdisciplinary research.
- And by offering educational opportunities in Near Eastern history and archaeology to undergraduates and graduates in North American colleges and universities, and through outreach activities to the general public.
A Vision for ASOR in the 21st Century
ASOR affirms its historic mission and the priorities that have guided it as an organization since its inception in 1900. Central to these priorities have been ASOR’s emerging identity as a knowledge-based organization, or ‘learned society’ (ASOR only became a member of the ACLS in 1998), and a constituency with a shared interest in and deep commitment to the study and public understanding of the cultures and history of the Near East. These core values unite ASOR, and they will serve to guide the organization as it looks to the future and develops new strategies and initiatives to better achieve its core mission as the leading organization committed to the dissemination of knowledge and understanding of the Near Eastern world.