General Inquiries: 703-789-9229; info@asor.org
Annual Meeting: 857-272-2506; meetings@asor.org
Communications: rachel.bernstein@asor.org
Cultural Heritage Initiatives: dashby@asor.org
Executive Director: 703-789-9229; executive-director@asor.org
Finance: finance@asor.org
Membership: 703-789-9230; membership@asor.org
Programs (Fellowships/Scholarships/Grants): 703-789-9233; programs@asor.org
Donations: 703-789-9230; donate@asor.org
Publications: 703-789-9230; publications@asor.org
Social Media: info@asor.org
Website: 703-789-9234; jaredkoller@asor.org
Mailing address:
American Society of Overseas Research
James F. Strange Center
209 Commerce Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
Tel: 703-789-9229; Email: info@asor.org
ASOR Staff Directory
- Full-time staff
- Andrew G. Vaughn (Executive Director): 703-789-9229; executive-director@asor.org
- Britta Abeln (Finance Manager): finance@asor.org
- Darren Ashby (Cultural Heritage Programs Manager): dashby@asor.org
- Regan Baker (Membership and Development Coordinator): 703-789-9230; membership@asor.org
- Rachel Bernstein (Communications and Friends of ASOR Manager): rachel.bernstein@asor.org
- Moni Islam (Office Coordinator): 703-789-9229; info@asor.org
- Jared Koller (Information and Website Manager): 703-789-9234; jaredkoller@asor.org
- Marta Ostovich (Assistant Director): 703-789-9233; programs@asor.org
- Arlene Press (Director of Meetings and Events): 857-272-2506; meetings@asor.org
- Part-time staff and consultants:
- Will Raynolds (Co-Director of ASOR Cultural Heritage Initiatives): willraynolds@asor.org
- Hanan Charaf (Director for North African Cultural Heritage Projects): hanan.charaf@asor.org
- Aida Ejroushi (Post-doctoral Cultural Heritage Fellow): aida.ejroushi@asor.org
- Ahmad Emrage, Libya Programs Manager: ahmademrage@asor.org
- Alia Fares (Manager for Sahel Cultural Heritage Projects): alia.fares@asor.org
- Aboutou Konate (Heritage Contractor for Mali)
- Jean-Paul Koudougou (Sr. Heritage Advisor for Burkina Faso and the Sahel)
- Compensated Editors and Editorial Staff
- Billie Jean Collins (Managing Editor for JCS and NEA)
- Jennie Ebeling (Academic Director of Friends of ASOR)
- Marilyn Lundberg (Managing Editor, Maarav)
- Jessica Nitschke (Editor, Ancient Near East Today)
- Alexandra Whitsell (Manager Editor, BASOR)
- BASOR editors: Susan Cohen, Marwan Kilani, Jana Mynářová, Regine Pruzsinszky
- JCS editors: Paul Delnero, Petra Goedegebuure, Seth Richardson
- NEA editor: Christina Tsouparopoulou
- Interns
- Gabriella Velasquez
- Harshita Loganathan
- Annika Eriksen