The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee serves as a resource and advocate for social justice and equity issues within ASOR and its membership, in order to expand access to the history and cultures of the ancient Near East and Mediterranean world. Recognizing that issues related to diversity, equity, and inclusion are varied and complex across our international membership and areas of work, we acknowledge and affirm that it is beyond the scope of ASOR and its committees to interfere or make political determinations on a national or international level or adjudicate matters within universities or other professional settings. Rather, we strive to make our annual meeting, publications, membership, awards and honors, fellowships and grants, and projects and initiatives – including cultural heritage initiatives and affiliated archaeological projects – spaces of equity, inclusion, and accessibility. The DEI Committee makes recommendations to ASOR’s President, Executive Director, Board, Chairs Coordinating Council, standing and ad hoc committees, and staff. Our vision is to build diversity within the field to ensure its sustainability, vitality, and relevancy in the 21st century and beyond, and in so doing, to make ASOR a leader among professional scholarly organizations in matters of equity and inclusion.
Katherine Larson, Co-Chair (2025 Cohort)
Julia Troche, Co-Chair (2026 Cohort)
2025 Cohort
Aaron Brody
Leticia Rodriguez
Avary Taylor
2026 Cohort
Debora Heard
Jenail Marshall
Robyn Price
Karlene Shippelhoute
2027 Cohort
Helen Dixon
Lissette Jimenez
Asil Yaman
Marta Ostovich (ex officio, non-voting)