Les écoles américaines de recherche orientale au Canada
Mary Louise Mussell Student Travel Fellowship
The Mary Louise Mussell Student Travel Fellowship was established for students who wish to participate in archaeological field research in the Middle East. Mary-Louise Mussell will be remembered as the lead excavator of the early Christian church of Roman Aila (modern Aqaba). Dr. Mussell lost a long and arduous battle with cancer on January 23, 2005.
Each year, one or two awards in the amount of $500 are given to a Canadian student or students with little or no prior field experience (no more than 1 previous field season) in order to help defray the costs associated with participation in overseas archaeological projects. Senior staff whose expenses are being paid for by the project are ineligible. Eligibility is restricted to students with Canadian citizenship or Landed Immigrant Status. The archaeological project in which the student is participating must be an ASOR/CAP-affiliated project. The successful recipient(s) of the fellowship is/are expected to submit a 500-700 word report upon completion of their field experience, which will be posted to ASOR Canada’s website (
The deadline for the fellowship application is early April of each year.
For more information, visit the CASOR website.