1. Emergency conservation of the standing structures
Standing walls are made of sandstone cut blocks, mostly affected by granular disintegration and erosion (caused by wind and rainfall). The standing walls were cleaned, salts efflorescence was removed and the surface was consolidated by spraying a protein based consolidant (calcium caseinate) in order to slow down and minimize the deterioration process. The choice of calcium caseinate as consolidant is crucial for the sustainability of the intervention since chemical and water based consolidants are not available in Jordan. Calcium caseinate can be locally produced and therefore sustainable for future interventions.
The original lime mortar has disintegrated and crumbled. Mortar consolidation and repair were implemented using calcium caseinate for consolidation and a lime-based mortar made of slaked lime, limestone powder and basalt powder (to increase water resistance) and crushed granite (to make the mortar recognizable as modern) for mortar repairs.
Mortar remains were mechanically cleaned using brushes and wooden sticks, and then using brushes and water. Mortar was consolidated either by spraying a filtered solution of water and calcium caseinate or by injecting a solution of water and acrylic emulsion.
Gaps and cracks in the mortar were filled using a mixture of 1 part of slaked lime, 0.5 parts of acrylic emulsion, 1 part of yellow sand and 1.5 parts of basalt powder.
The mortar mixture used for mortar repairs was made of 1 part of lime, 1 part of stone powder, 0.5 parts of crushed granite and 1.5 parts of basalt powder. All materials used in the mortar are locally available and easy to procure for future maintenance interventions.
2. Consolidation of wall plaster and stone pavements
Several rooms presented remains of plaster and mortar pavement beddings.
The main process for conserving the plaster fragments and the mortar beddings involved:
Stone surfaces were cleaned and consolidated with calcium caseinate.
-Maria Elena Ronza, Vice President, Sela for Training and Protection of Heritage