The Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research (BASOR), a publication of the American Schools for Oriental Research (ASOR), is seeking an editor for a renewable three-year term beginning July 1, 2014, for six semi-annual issues. BASOR is a peer-reviewed illustrated publication including technical articles covering the entire Near East and eastern Mediterranean world from the Palaeolithic period through Islamic times. The principal subject areas of the journal include art and archaeology, history, anthropology, bioarchaeology and archaeozoology, archaeometry, geography, philology and epigraphy, and literature. BASOR is published on paper and in the JSTOR Current Scholarship Program.
The duties of this stipended position include the following: maintenance of an editorial office for the journal; solicitation and acquisition of manuscripts suitable for publication; implementation of a peer review process for the evaluation of manuscripts; collaboration with the copyeditor, ASOR publications director, and other staff at the ASOR office; chairing an editorial board; actively promoting the journal online; and editing and proofreading each issue. The duties also include timely publication of journal issues and providing quarterly reports to the Chair of the ASOR Publications Committee. The Editor of BASOR will have editorial control over the journal, within the parameters of the editorial mission established for BASOR by ASOR. The successful candidate should anticipate managing a transition to an online article submission and review process and have a strategy for increasing the presence of BASOR online. Ideally, the Editor should have knowledge of the production and distribution processes common to print and electronic journals. The Editor of BASOR currently receives a stipend as well as reimbursement for travel expenses to ASOR’s Annual Meeting. These funds also could be reallocated to provide release time at the successful candidate’s home institution. ASOR will negotiate details regarding administrative support and other basic infrastructure in collaboration with the successful candidate. The search committee requests proposals from applicants outlining a vision for of the journal, which includes the candidate’s ideas on the following: 1) increasing the journal’s online presence; 2) promoting the journal outside ASOR; and 3) transitioning to an online article submission and review process. Applications from a single editor, coeditors, or an editorial team will be considered and accepted until the position is filled. All applications received by September 16, 2013 are guaranteed to receive full consideration, but applications will be accepted until the position is filled. The candidate’s application package should consist of the aforementioned vision statement and a current CV. These materials, and any other inquiries, should be submitted via e-mail to Charles Jones, Chair of the ASOR Committee on Publications.