This is a temporary page for board. We will revise it for the next meeting when we will have a password and login information…

Agendas and reports for EC and Board

  • Agenda for Board Meeting (pdf)
    • Minutes from the April 29, 2017, Board Meeting (pdf)
  • Agenda for EC Meeting (pdf)
    • Minutes from the April 28, 2017, EC Meeting (pdf)
  • Board and Committee Reports
    • President’s Report (pdf)
    • Executive Director’s Report (pdf)
    • Finance Committee Reports
      • Fiscal Year 2017 Audit (pdf)
      • Finance Committee Report with Appendices (pdf)
    • Publications Committee report (pdf)
    • Initiative on the Status of Women report (pdf)
  • Materials for action and discussion items
    • Gift Acceptance Policy with track-changes (file)
    • Statement on Gifts of Antiquities (file)
    • ASOR Trustee Commitment Form with track-changes (file)
    • ASOR Trustee Commitment Form—clean (file)
  • CVs of people nominated for positions
    • Nominated for board positions and/or officer positions
      • Heather McKee—nominee for Treasurer (pdf)
    • Nominated for committees and editorial boards
      • Gojko Johansen Barjamovic (pdf)
      • Kent V. Bramlett (pdf)
      • Steven E. Falconer (pdf)
      • Patricia L. Fall (pdf)
      • Jennifer E. Gates-Foster (pdf)
      • Jimmy Hardin (pdf)
      • Sturt Manning (pdf)
      • Christopher Rollston
      • Thomas Schneider (pdf)
      • Assaf Yasur-Landau (pdf)