Harva L. Sheeler Scholarships for Fieldwork Participation

ASOR plans to one Sheeler fieldwork participation scholarship of $2,000 for the summer of 2024 (see COVID disclaimer below).

Established in 2014 by the Sheeler family, scholarship funds have been designated to support the participation of ASOR members as volunteers or staff on the Hesi Regional Project. Harva L. Sheeler (1934–2013) was a long-time friend and supporter of ASOR. The Sheeler Scholarship celebrates Harva’s life and is funded by annual contributions from her family. ASOR will be offering one Sheeler Scholarship of $2,000 for the summer of 2024.

Brief Biography of Harva L. Sheeler (1934–2013)

Harva loved to mark pottery sherds. That’s because it takes precision and patience to write accurately all the information that annotation requires. Harva, a professional law librarian for more than 30 years, found a new calling for her cataloging skills when her daughter Kate began to dig at Caesarea Maritima in 1988. It was through Harva’s subsequent travels with Kate to various excavation projects that she became well-acquainted with ASOR and its commitment to support travel opportunities for staff and student participants. Harva loved not only her own adventures in archaeology, but also enabling for others the opportunity to experience the same.

In 2010 Harva established a Heritage Grant for the Hesi Regional Project and took great pleasure in meeting the grant recipients and learning about their research and courses of study. This fellowship celebrates Harva’s curiosity, enthusiasm, and love of adventure. Fortuna audentem iuvat.

Application Deadline
February 28, 2024

Application Form

Anna Luurtsema taking part in pedestrian survey with the Tell el-Hesi Project, Israel
Anna Luurtsema conducting pedestrian survey with the Tell el-Hesi Project, Israel.


Applicants must be members of ASOR or be enrolled as students at an ASOR-member school (see list of Institutional Members). Applicants from underrepresented groups may request a membership waiver in order to apply. Applicants are encouraged to use the Uniform Fieldwork Scholarships Application to apply for all of the named and unnamed Fieldwork Participation Scholarships (BIPOC, Dana, MacAllister, Meyers, Meyers/Wright, Platt Sheeler, Steinmetz (veterans), Strange/Midkiff, and Member-Supported Fieldwork Participation). Some of the named grants are designated for particular excavations (e.g., Hazor or Tell el-Hesi), for particular groups (e.g., BIPOC and veterans), and for particular countries (e.g., Israel or Jordan). Please check the appropriate boxes on the Uniform Application so that you can be considered for as many different scholarships sources as possible. In order to be eligible, applicants are required to participate in an ASOR-affiliated excavation (see list).

Preference will be given to individuals that have not received support through the ASOR scholarship program or other funding sources. Additional preference will also be given to applicants who would not usually receive funding (for airfare, lodging or a stipend) from the excavation. Preference is also given to applicants who have not received ASOR funding for excavations in the past three years.

Scholarship recipients will be required to sign a waiver indicating that ASOR is not responsible for any injuries they might sustain during their time at the excavation in which they participate. They will also be required to sign a release of rights to ASOR for the inclusion of their report and photographs in one of ASOR’s publications. This award may only be used for allowable direct expenses. Indirect and/or overhead expenses are not permitted

Upon completion of the field season, a report of 250-350 words and three appropriate photos (500 dpi resolution or higher) on site must be submitted to the ASOR office by September 1. Reports and photos should be sent via email with “Sheeler scholarship report” in the subject line. It is also expected that a letter or report will be sent to the Sheeler family (ASOR will provide the contact information). More information will be available after the recipients have been notified.

COVID disclaimer: If the ongoing COVID pandemic, or any other reason, does not allow for many archaeological excavations to take place during 2024, ASOR may at its sole discretion decide not to offer fieldwork scholarships. If ASOR deems such a decision as necessary, applicants may reapply for non-fieldwork summer stipends if ASOR offers stipends for 2024. Regrettably, applicants and successful applicants may not postpone fieldwork scholarships to another year if the applicant or ASOR decides that fieldwork scholarships will not be awarded in 2024. If the pandemic or any other reason causes a cancellation of fieldwork in 2024, applicants must reapply for funding in 2025 (or for stipends if they are made available in 2024).

Previous Recipients: $12,000 awarded

2022: $2,000 awarded
  1. Benjamin Hatfield, Mississippi State University
2021: $2,000 awarded
  1. Kara Larson, University of Michigan (Summer Stipend)
2019: $2,000 awarded
  1. Kara Larson, Mississippi State University
2017: $2,000 awarded
  1. Kevin Williams, Mississippi State University
2016: $2,000 awarded
  1. Geoffrey Ludvik, University of Wisconsin, Madison
2015: $2,000 awarded
  1. Sophia Carman, East Carolina University
  2. Dylan Karges, Mississippi State University