The first volume of the ASOR Annual (AASOR) appeared in 1920, making it ASOR’s signature publication. The Annual is a medium for the publication of lengthy preliminary or interim archaeological reports or monograph-length studies relating to archaeology in the Near East.

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William Caraher, Series Editor

Most Recent Publication

The Amman Theater Statue in its Iron Age Contexts
A colossal basalt statue was uncovered through rescue excavation in downtown Amman, Jordan in 2010. Despite the statue’s Roman period find context, its form and motifs show it to be an Iron Age sculpture, and geoscientific testing indicates a regional quarry source. Comparison with an established corpus of Iron Age stone sculpture from Amman shows the Amman Theater Statue shares the distinct iconography of a series of Amman male statues portraying deities and human rulers. Broader art-historical comparisons from Egypt, the Levant, and Mesopotamia indicate that the statue dates ca. 850-825 B.C.E., that it belonged to an Ammonite royal ancestor cult, and that in that setting it portrayed a deified, deceased Ammonite king. Archaeological and epigraphic evidence accompanying those broader Near Eastern comparisons, especially those from Syro-Anatolian political capitals from Iron Age II, and archaeological evidence from Amman indicate that the Amman Theater Statue was incorporated into an architectural structure, either a building façade or monumental gate, on the Amman Citadel (Jabal al-Qal’a), along its southern ascent, or just beyond its southern slope. Read More . . .


75. Joel S. Burnett. The Amman Theater Statue in its Iron Age Contexts. AASOR 75. Alexandria, VA: The American Society of Overseas Research, 2023. Available from ISD.

74. Nancy L. Lapp. The Excavations of ‘Iraq al-Amir, Volume II. AASOR 74. Alexandria, VA: The American Schools of Oriental Research, 2019. Available from ISD.

73. Charlotte Whiting and Gloria London. An Examination of the Stratigraphy and Neolithic-Iron Age Pottery from Tel Jezreel, Area A. AASOR 73. Alexandria, VA: The American Society of Overseas Research, 2021. Available from ISD.

72. Macaulay-Lewis, Elizabeth. Bayt Farhi and the Sephardic Palaces of Ottoman Damascus in the Late 18th and 19th Centuries. AASOR 72. Boston, MA: The American Schools of Oriental Research, 2018. Available from ISD.

71. Leonard, Al, Jr.. Kataret es-Samra, Jordan. AASOR 71. Boston, MA: The American Schools of Oriental Research, 2017. Available from ISD.

70. Tappy, Ron E. The Archaeology of the Ostraca House at Israelite Samaria: Epigraphic Discoveries in Complicated Contexts. AASOR 70. Boston, MA: The American Schools of Oriental Research, 2016. Available from ISD.

69. McGeough, Kevin M. The Archaeology of Agro-Pastoralist Economies in Jordan. AASOR 69. Boston, MA: The American Schools of Oriental Research, 2016. Available from ISD.

67 & 68. McKenzie, Judith S., Greene, Joseph A., Reyes, Andres T. et al. The Nabataean Temple at Khirbet et- Tannur, Jordan, Volume 1 and Volume 2. AASOR 67 and 68. Boston, MA: The American Schools of Oriental Research, 2013. Available from ISD. Volume 1. Volume 2.

66. Hallote, Rachel, Felicity Cobbing, Jeffrey B. Spurr. The Photographs of the American Palestine Exploration Society. AASOR 66. Boston, MA: The American Schools of Oriental Research, 2012. Available from ISD.

65. Toumazou, Michael K., P. Nick Kardulias, and Derek B. Counts, eds. Crossroads and Boundaries: The Archaeology of Past and Present in the Malloura Valley, Cyprus. AASOR 65. Boston, MA: The American Schools of Oriental Research, 2012. Available from ISD.

64. Walker, Bethany, ed. Reflections of Empire: Archaeological and Ethnographic Perspectives on the Pottery of the Ottoman Levant and Beyond. AASOR 64. Boston, MA: The American Schools of Oriental Research, 2009. Available from ISD.

63. Smith, Joanna S. Settlement and Sanctuary: Views from the Columbia University Excavations at Phlamoudhi, Cyprus. AASOR 63. Boston, MA: The American Schools of Oriental Research, 2008. Available from ISD.

62. Cohen, Susan and Garfinkel, Yossi. Middle Bronze Age II Cemetery at Gesher. AASOR 62. Boston, MA: The American Schools of Oriental Research, 2007. Available from ISD.

60-61. Edwards, Douglas and McCollough, Thomas. The Archaeology of Difference: Gender, Ethnicity, Class and the “Other” in Antiquity, Studies in Honor of Eric. M. Meyers. AASOR 60/61. Boston, MA: The American Schools of Oriental Research, 2007. Available from ISD.

59. Chesson, Meredith S., Darnell, John Coleman et al. Part I: Results of the 2001 Kerak Plateau Early Bronze Age Survey; Part II: Two Early Alphabetic Inscriptions from the Wadi el-Hol. AASOR 59. Boston, MA: The American Schools of Oriental Research, 2005. Available from ISD.

58. Nakhai, Beth Alpert, ed. The Near East in the Southwest. Essays in honor of William G. Dever. AASOR 58. Boston MA: The American Schools of Oriental Research, 2003. Available from ISD.

57. Hopkins, David, ed. Across the Anatolian Plateau. Readings in the Archaeology of Ancient Turkey. AASOR 57. Boston MA: The American Schools of Oriental Research, 2000. Available from ISD.

56. Lapp, Nancy, ed. Preliminary Excavation Reports and Other Archaeological Excavations. Tell Qarqur, Iron I Sites in the North-Central Highlands of Palestine. AASOR 56. Boston MA: The American Schools of Oriental Research, 1999. Available from ISD.

55. Leonard, Albert. Ancient Naukratis: Excavations at a Greek Emporium in Egypt. Part 2: Kom Hadid. AASOR 55. Boston, MA: The American Schools of Oriental Research, 1998. Available from ISD.

54. Leonard, Albert. Ancient Naukratis: Excavations at a Greek Emporium in Egypt. Part 1: Kom Ge’if. AASOR 54. Atlanta, GA: Scholars Press, 1997. Available from ISD.

53. Dever, William, ed. Preliminary Excavation Reports: Sardis, Idalion, and Tell el-Handaquq North. AASOR 53. Atlanta, GA: Scholars Press, 1996. Available from ISD.

52. Dever, William G., ed. Preliminary Excavation Reports. AASOR 52. Atlanta, GA: Scholars Press, 1994. Available from ISD.

51. Dever, William G., ed. Preliminary Excavation Reports: Sardis, Paphos, Caesarea Maritime, Shiqmim, Ain Ghazal. AASOR 51. Atlanta, GA: Scholars Press, 1993. Available from ISD.

50. Leonard, Albert Jr. The Jordan Valley Survey, 1953: Some Unpublished Soundings Conducted by James Mellaart. AASOR 50. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1992. Available from ISD.

49. Gitin, Seymour, and Dever, William G., eds. Recent Excavations in Israel: Studies in Iron Age Archaeology. AASOR 49. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1989. Available from ISD.

47-48. Callaway, Joseph, ed. Volume 1: The Excavations at Araq el-Emir (edited by Nancy Lapp). Volume 2: The Amman Airport Excavations, 1976 (edited by Larry Herr). AASOR 47-48. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1983. Available from ISD.

43. Freedman, David Noel, ed. ASOR Preliminary Excavation Reports: Bab edh-Dhra`, Sardis, Meiron, Tell el-Hesi, Carthage. AASOR 43. Cambridge: ASOR, 1978. Available from ISD.

41. Lapp, Paul W., and Lapp, Nancy L. Discoveries in the Wadi ed-Daliyeh. AASOR 41. Cambridge: ASOR, 1974. Available from ISD.

39. Kelso, James L. The Excavations at Bethel (1934-1960). Joint Expedition of the Pittsburgh Theological Seminary and ASOR. AASOR 39. Cambridge: ASOR, 1968. Available from ISD.

38. Lapp, Paul, Sellers, Ovid R., et al. The 1957 Excavations at Beth Zur (conducted by McCormick Theological Seminary and ASOR). Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research (AASOR), Volume 38. Cambridge: ASOR, 1968. Available from ISD.

Book Reviews

The Archaeology of Agro-Pastoralist Economies in Jordan (AASOR 69), McGeough, Kevin M.
Review by Steven A. Rosen, published in JEMAHS

The Archaeology of the Ostraca House at Israelite Samaria: Epigraphic Discoveries in Complicated Contexts (AASOR 70), by Tappy, Ron E.
Review by Norma Franklin, published in JEMAHS
Response to Review by Ron E. Tappy, published in JEMAHS

The Nabataean Temple at Khirbet et- Tannur, Jordan, Volume 1 and Volume 2 (AASOR 67 & 68), by McKenzie, Judith S., Greene, Joseph A., Reyes, Andres T. et al.
Review by Bryn Mawr Classical Review
Review by American Journal of Archaeology

Review of The Photographs of the American Palestine Exploration Society (AASOR 66), by Rachel Hallote, Felicity Cobbing, and Jeffrey B. Spurr. Review by Antiquity

Review of Crossroads and Boundaries: The Archaeology of Past and Present in the Malloura Valley, Cyprus (AASOR 65), edited by Michael K. Toumazou, P. Nick Kardulias and Derek B. Counts. Review by Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies

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